Thursday, April 2, 2020

Unearthing The Blog

Here we are...

I'm currently learning all things "Google" for work and remembered that I had a family blog. Well, looky there, I found it. HA!

Since we are in the midst of a pandemic, it's probably a good time to just journal the day.

As stated: Here we are...

This is like a huge dash, or a pause, on life.

Jake is a freshman in high school. Owen is an 8th grader. I work at a primary school and I'm in my second graduate class to get my MedSPED. We are living in West Linn, Oregon and have been here since the end of June 2014. We are under "stay at home" orders.

Stay at home orders are not the same for each state, it seems. Here in Oregon, the kids have not been to school since March 13th (Friday the 13th, fitting). Right now, they are set to return on April 29th, but that will probably change as all arrows are pointing that way. "Stay at Home" came in stages. First, was social distancing. Then, they closed all non-essential businesses. You can still get take out at your favorite restaurant, get your growler filled, grocery shop, all the necessities. Trails and outdoor activities were open and encouraged. "Go outside, hike, keep a 6ft distance!" Then, since there is nothing to do but go outside, everyone hit the trails and beaches. They were packed. Kids were still at the skate parks, playgrounds, school fields. I mean, why not? How often do you get a solid week of sun and warm weather? Then came the next order: STAY AT HOME! All public trails and beaches are closed. All parks are closed. All school fields are closed. We can go for a walk in our neighborhood, but no unnecessary driving. No visiting with people outside of your own household. Nada, zilch. Right now, other states are still more relaxed about the "stay at home" rules. Some states still don't even have stay at home orders yet. It's strange. It's strange to see numbers in states with relaxed stay at home orders increase more dramatically each day and see what people are doing through social networking and get mad. I want out of this somewhat home prison and people need to stop it. Just stop it. Stay home! We will be doing this forever if they don't. We will be looking at a school year possibly not starting because folks, we have to get through a second wave too.

I'm okay most of the time. The boys are okay. Rich is okay (but work stresses him out since he's in HR). Soccer has been put on pause, but Owen still gets in 1-2 hour workouts every single day. Jake has taken up football and punting out in the street. He's currently playing his acoustic drum set. Both like to talk to me and I love it. I really do. It does hinder my work and school though, but we're in this together. The unknown is scary, the what ifs are scary. We will get through this.

Here's the numbers right now: 4/2/2020 at 6pm

US cases: 244,877  and deaths: 6070
Oregon cases: 826 and deaths: 21
Arizona cases: 1598 and deaths: 32

Stay well. Stay home. Wash your hands.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Look out Oregon! The Fraziers are in the house!

We did it!  It was a long time in the making, but we are finally here.  It still seems surreal.  Owen said, "I feel like I'm on vacation."  I'm sure we will feel that way for awhile.  I'd believe it, but with 8 pieces of luggage and 5 carry on bags, maybe not.  

We left the Sonoran Desert and landed at the foothills of the Cascades.  I had some cool photos. But for some reason I would get an error trying to publish them. 

There were tears here and there by Jake and myself, but we (I) keep steering the thoughts to the positive side.  Soon enough, Jake was asking when he can learn to snowboard.  "Sooner than you can imagine buddy."  

This is going to be one heck of a long vacation!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

The Last Time....

Hi everyone!

As many know, we are moving to Portland, OR in about 6 months or so.  Plans always change, so we will take the coming months as they crawl by.  

On a sad note: there is a lagging phrase in my head that keeps repeating and making me sad.  "The Last Time..."  The last AZ Christmas, winter, school events at a wonderful school "family." The last time I may see a friend.  I know, truly not "The Last" but the last as an Arizona resident.  I do appreciate everything in this state, it is my home state, and it is sad to leave and live in a different state than my parents.  

I am thankful for social media and the opportunity to still "see" everyone.  Thus, I am unearthing this blog to keep everyone, especially those who are not on social media, in touch with us.  This is my commitment for 2014. 

Come on in, take off your coat, put up your feet and feel at "home."

Friday, January 27, 2012

Something to Share with My Boys...

Jay and Oh,

On January 25, 2012 we went on a "wild goose chase" (Owen, you called it this) to watch the President of the United States land at a small airport close to our home.  We also watched his motorcade.

 Here is his car as he drove passed us.  He waved.  Below that picture is a picture of his plane shared from a person I know who works at the airport.

I know you two may not remember this event, but I want to let you know, you both were pretty excited.  You had fun, you got to see these things first hand to know "it really does happen."  I say you won't remember because I don't remember a special moment that happened when I was 6 years old.  My parents took me to see the Bicentennial train when this great country of ours turned 200.  There is a photo of me in front of it, somewhere;  but I remember nothing of the day.  I hope you boys prove me wrong and remember, even if it is a little bit.  Despite people's opinions of the President's political stances, President Obama is a person to admire.

Boys, I write this to introduce you to why I wanted you to share this event with me.  President Obama captured my attention sometime in 2004 when he spoke at the Democratic Convention.  As usual, I had it turned on the tv and went about doing whatever needed to be done around the house.  This man began a speech that made me stop, stare, slowly walk to the couch and have a seat. (here's a link to that speech: He commanded attention.  The words he spoke captured the American spirit and what it means to me.  I had to follow this man's career.  I did.  I attended a political event at ASU in November of 2005 to watch him speak again.  Your Dad and I stood 20 feet from President (then a Senator) Obama as he spoke about education.  It. Was. Amazing.  Still, I tuned in to whatever I could to just watch him speak, hear what he had to say, and wait for those words....."I am running for President."  Long story short, boys, this man became this country's first African-American President.  That, in itself, is pretty damn amazing and proves what a fantastic country we live in and how beliefs are changing.  Now, don't get me wrong; I have many opinions about what has happened since he became President to the right now (shame on Dems for not having a backbone) but I still so admire this man.  From where he came from, what he did to get there, the perseverance, the speaking ability, the confidence...boys, there is a lot to learn from this man in how he carries himself.

I brought you to see his motorcade and plane to understand that no matter who sits in office of the President of the United States; no matter what you may think;  he (and one day "she") is still the President of the United States.  It takes so much to inner courage to get there.  On that alone, every President should be admired and respected.  So, on that day boys, we paid respect and encouraged a great man for that achievement.  President Obama is Our President.  Boys, I am deeply honored to have been able to bring you that "close" to our President.

With love, your Mom